Believe me, quit doing art isn't the solution to your problem. In fact, if you allow me to go further, that's not going to help you in any way, so I'd discard that as a possible solution.
What you're currently experiencing is what's called a "creative burnout", and it's more common than you may be thinking.
The best tip I could offer you to avoid it/ endure it and keep going? Well, just like @SouSTAR said, you must know when to stop and take a little rest from drawing. Take a couple of days to relax your mind, and do something else instead - like reading, or listening to music, or practicing some sport, or... I don't know, even I think that going for a stroll could be useful.
I hope this helps, and makes you reconsider your options. Don't give in to your intrusive thoughts - you know you're stronger than them.
If it can reassure you, your art is very good, both your style and character designs :)
Now, that feeling of being stuck, it happen often, sometimes it become unbearable. That's why we should know when to take a pause. The motivation and inspiration will come back a couple days after! :)
Thank you so much man! Sorry if i caused a commotion or anything, it wasn't my intent :')